Friday, November 21, 2008

When Hell Freezes Over

That is probably what will happen the next time I get laid. Let's just say the prospects just really aren't all that good. I love a girl who just can't be with me that way. So we just snuggle. That's it...just snuggle.

Which is really nice, but I have needs. But I don't want to go out and just get laid. I want someone who is okay with being in a relationship with me, who won't keep going back and forth, but yeah, they have to be a good snuggler.

I'm a close sleeper, I like the feeling of her next to me, and so does she. And I've found, with the number of people that I've slept next to, that not everyone likes it, actually, most people don't. I don't get it, but, hey, I just can't be with them.

I want someone who likes to surprise me and do sweet things. Have yet to find that, well, almost.

Oh well, I'm pretty much occupied by work and school, so I don't really have that much time, so it'd be nice if someone else was in that situation so they wouldn't be disappointed that I can't be with them all the time. Plus I like my space. I like living alone. A lot.

But ya know, not every night. I want to feel special, loved, appreciated, I want to feel those things for someone who can return them.

In other news...I rocked my inorganic final! I got a 44/50 and brought my grade up to a B. It was a pretty close call there, before the final I had the bottom of a C and you have to get a B- to pass the class. There are 4 masters core courses and you have to get a B- in all of them. So if I do really well on my presentation then I should get a solid B in the class and not have to do extra work. He said if I didn't have a B- I would have to do extra work over winter and spring semesters to show I understand what the class is about. Hopefully I do well on my presentation., it's a job. I have a goal. Everyday that I leave for school I just tell myself it'll be worth it in the end. Every Friday night I spend at home doing work or recovering from a rough week I know it will be worth it when it's over. I will appreciate every day that I don't have to do it. When I'll actually have leisure time, that will be nice.

Can't wait for Thanksgiving next week! No school all week, and I have Thursday and Friday off from work. No idea what I'm doing for Thanksgiving yet, but have invitations to a few different places.

Time to read my Cosmo and think about all the sex I'm not having. Sometimes it sucks. Today would be one of those days.