Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crazy Busy

So, in my quest to do everything I wanted to do this summer, I may have bit off more than I can chew. My French class is going great. Tomorrow is the last day of summer 7's. Saturday is the NA4 rugby championships so the girls will be partying at my house all day and then we're going to watch the games at night.

But...I've been spending the last 2 weeks studying, feeling like I'm getting nowhere with it, and that I'm going to basically have to repeat all of the major chemistry classes I took in college so that I can start the master's program. I know I want to go back to school, I just didn't realize that all of this prep work was going to have to be condensed into such a short amount of time.

Luckily my mom doesn't throw anything away so she is mailing me all my college notes that she could find. But I'm still freaking out. I have to take 1 test every day next week. I have to leave work early at 2:30pm so I can take the test from 3:30-5:30pm. And then go home and keep studying for the test that is the next day.

Plus kc went to CA to visit her family so she asked me to look after her house since her roommate isn't that reliable. But she is flying me out to San Francisco to visit her next Thursday for the weekend. So next Thursday is going to be ridiculously crazy. I'll have to go to work early, leave to take the test, meet with the professor afterward to discuss what classes I can take since I don't find out my exam scores until after I take all of them. Then run to kc's house and water the garden and check on the kitties and then head to the airport. Hopefully I'll have time to squeeze in a shower because I hate flying dirty even though I always feel gross after I get off an airplane.

It'll be a fun weekend though. We're getting a hotel room on Thursday night since I don't get in until around midnight or so. And I've never been to SF before so that will be fun. My French teacher said I had to write a story about what I did since I'll be missing class but that will be fun. And I borrowed the 3 Musketeers in French from the library so I could get a little more exposure. That'll be my book for the airplane.

So yeah, crazy busy shit going on. Time to crack open my organic chemistry book again and see how much I can get done tonight before I pass out. I should probably cook some dinner sometime too since I'm starving. Although my stomach has been all fucked up for the last couple of days and I'm breaking out like mad because of the stress. I shouldn't stress but I just can't help it. At least I'm not having any stress with kc because I don't think I could handle having any more stress. Hopefully none of the rugby girls get into any drama this weekend.

Suppose I should get my ass in gear for another long night of reading chemistry...oh so fun. Looks like a bowl of cereal it is going to be for dinner. Or maybe I'll grill up a turkey burger, those are pretty quick to make too. Fuck, I just don't know which direction to go in. Ok, food first then studying.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Why do I still get surprised when things are good with me and kc for more than a month? It's like, I don't expect them to stay that way because something always gets messed up. But I'm doing my best to keep that feeling in check.

I shouldn't be surprised. I should be happy that things have finally gotten to the point that we're communicating really well and we're excited to see each other and she still wants sex, although I think that her recreational use affects that slightly.

She knows it does, but, I mean, as long as I'm still getting it I really don't care how much she smokes. It's not like I'm in charge of her life. She does what she wants, so do I.

Last night I decided to go visit some girls on the rugby team that I hadn't seen in a while. kc and I are supposed to be going camping tonight and climbing a 14er tomorrow. It was very sweet that she wanted to climb this one with just me. We'll climb the other ones with our friends later but she actually said she wanted to do it with just me.

Usually she's always down for inviting other people so it was definitely a good change of pace that she wanted to spend the time with just me. Especially considering that one of my biggest complaints from before was that I never got enough alone time with her.

And, for the last week or so, when she sends me an e-mail she's been signing it love, k. And I will NOT overthink and overanalyze this. It's special and that's all and that's all I'm going to think about it. I'm not going to push for some sort of verbal confirmation that what she is writing is what she is actually feeling.

Last Friday when I went out for happy hour with some friends she came to pick me up because I told her I probably shouldn't drive. I felt bad because she had to leave a party to come and get me, although we did end up going back to the party after, and she said it was ok, it's something that girlfriends do for each other.

So the love and girlfriend thing is a good. I'm enjoying my time and my days and it's working out well for us right now. I think that all the shit that we've been through we had to go through because it got us to where we are now. So I'm just going to remain calm and happy and go with it because that's the best thing to do.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Long Time

Wow, it's been a long time since I've had an evening where I can just sit here and give an update about me. Life has been crazy busy lately. Summer 7's is in full swing and my French class has been going on for a couple weeks now.

It's been nice being busy. I like it. Keeps me from overthinking things. Which, I think I've been doing pretty well lately. Just been relaxed and doing what I want to do. So far my idea of having a selfish summer has worked out well. A few weeks ago I went out on my friend j's boat, went wakeboarding for the first time. That was so much fun! But holy shit does it work your muscles. My back was sore for a couple days, but hopefully I'll have another couple free weekends to go out again and try it.

For the 4th of July kc was out of town (not that that mattered) but I wanted to climb a couple 14ers. Drove up to the mountain after class and slept in my car in the parking lot. It's actually pretty comfy with the back seats folded down flat. It was a really gorgeous day, not nearly as bad weather as the last time I climbed that mountain. I had to do both of them because the last time I went up there with the ex her and her sister wimped out of doing the 2nd one and then talked me out of doing it by myself. kc was a little worried about me doing them by myself but I wasn't, they're pretty heavily trafficed mountains so if something did happen there was plenty of other people around. It was great to just get out there and do it myself and know that I could do it myself.

Then this past weekend there was an event at the Botanic Gardens through my French class. It was catered by 6 different French restaurants in town with tons of food and wine. I took kc to it as a surprise and she really liked it. The gardens were closed off to the public so we had the whole place to ourselves. We got to wander around with food and wine and look at the pretty flowers and all the displays, it was really peaceful and fun. I even tried escargo! I was a little worried about how it would taste since I don't like clams because of their squishy bellies. But it was inside a pastry and had this delicious sauce and I liked it!

I think this weekend kc and I are going to climb another 14er. Some of my friends want to join us when we do one but kc wants to do this one with just me. Should be fun, get to do another hike, think we're going to just sleep in the back of my car like I did before. And then in a couple weeks I think I'll go with my friends to do the other ones that I want. It's cool because the ones I did on the 4th you can do 2 in one day and the ones I'll do with my friends you can do 3 in one day.

Then in a couple weeks I'm going to San Francisco to meet kc for the weekend. She is going to go out there for a week and see her family and then she's flying me out there to visit her for the last weekend. Some friends of hers moved to a town right near San Francisco so we're going to visit and stay with them.

I got my application done for the masters program so hopefully I'll be able to start that in the fall. I ordered my transcripts from college today and I just have to mail out my recommendations and a check for the processing fee tomorrow and I should be all good.

I think this sense of independence and doing what I want to do is actually helping my relationship with kc. Things have been good with us for the last month. She is excited about seeing me and we have stuff to talk about, not just stuff she's doing but stuff I'm doing. And she wants me to practice my french that I'm learning with her.

I'm really liking this class. It's definitely hard, there is just so much to learn, but it's a total perk that my teacher is hot. I've never had a hot teacher before. And now I get to add studying for the tests I'll have to take for grad school to what I get to do at night when I'm at home. So, have no fear, I'll keep updating this thing but probably not as frequently as I normally would.

As for work...whatever. It's a job. Totally unsatisfying and fairly boring. It would be cool if I could go to China sometime but it's okay, I'll make it there someday. They keep wanting me to get involved in all of these things that I have absolutely no idea about. I don't think my boss realizes that I'm not a fucking accountant...I'm a scientist. If he wants me to make sure they are environmentally compliant with everything and talk to them about all this stuff great, I can do that. But he wants me to keep track of this shipping stuff and talk to people about orders they are placing. It's not really all that hard, it's just shit I've never done before.

So that's the lowdown on what's been going on with me. Life is good and busy. My selfish summer is paying off. I'm doing what I want to do when I want to do it. It sucks that I can't do everything, if only people would schedule things on weekends and evenings that I have free. But, I'm having fun and that's really all I care about.