Thursday, May 15, 2008

Missing me

Well, I guess patience has its virtues. I have barely seen kc in the past few weeks because she's been busy with school and stuff. So I decided to just give her her space and let her miss me. And I guess she has.

She asked me what I was doing later last night because she wanted to come over and sleep at my house. Then she had a few beers and couldn't drive. So this afternoon she called me saying she had to go to town to do some stuff and since I was going also did I want to meet up later? She said she missed me, feels like she hasn't seen me in forever, which she hasn't. So I guess letting her figure it out on her own was the way to go.

I mean, it sucks, it was kind of agonizing letting her realize it, but I guess the bright side is that she did realize it. And actually hearing her say it (yes, she called instead of texted me like she usually does) was really nice. She said she felt like she hadn't seen me in forever. Which in all actuality she hasn't.

So, I guess it's not all bad that I gotta drive up to rugby practice (which I can't participate in) and have that meeting afterward. We're going to meet up and have a late dinner and get to snuggle and that will be nice. I mean, I'm not getting my hopes up that it will all work out, but she should be done with the project she has to do up there, so hopefully it does.

Who knows, maybe she'll actually come to my rugby tournament on Saturday. I mean, I doubt it since rc will be there, but maybe. And she is going to come over for a BBQ on Sunday with my aunts. I have to pick them up at the airport tomorrow night. I can't wait to see them. They have to be 2 of my favorite relatives that I have, 2 that I am the closest to, 2 that saved me last summer.

I was in a really bad place and I went to spend the week with them. It was just before I became homeless and while I was there was when I found out I was being laid off. I was in a bad place with kc. And I went there for a week and relaxed, unwound, got some shit together in my head, and by the time I came back here I was feeling so much more better. My outlook on life had greatly improved. So I really can't wait to see them!

Looks like it should be a good weekend. My aunts get here tomorrow night, rugby tournament and flip cup tournament on Saturday, BBQ with kc and my aunts on Sunday, and then a day to do whatever with my aunts on Monday. I can't wait!

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