Saturday, April 12, 2008

Good Day Together

Well, things are off to a good re-start with kc and I. The week has been well and yesterday was a really good day. It got off to a rocky start when I woke up at kc's house. Still a little troubled about what happened with her and t and I had had some weird dream that people were at my funeral and I just kept seeing faces. Anyway, you know how sometimes you go somewhere and you just get this feeling? Well, I just woke up with this feeling, like a haunted tortured feeling.

At least I told kc about it. So we had a nice snuggle in the morning and by the time we got out of bed and got ready to run errands I was feeling better. We had to stop by the library and then go to my house so that I could call the guy I interviewed with last week. He said they haven't made a decision yet and that I might get called back next week for another interview. It's basically between me and one other person and he said I was a really strong candidate so let's hope it all works out.

So then kc and I went for a drive to look at lava rock for a wall in her backyard. Being unemployed really only has 1 perk, I can do whatever I want during the day. But, at least kc let me get my stuff done first before we went and did her stuff. So we drove around a ton and then her car started making these weird noises. We had to stop at an auto parts store and while she was in the store I went to the liquor store and got a couple 6-packs. So I was drinking a beer in the parking lot while she was working on her car, it was pretty funny. Oh, and I was reading one of my chemistry books to bone up on some stuff in case I do get called back for another interview. It was definitely a funny sight.

Then we drove around to all this art around downtown and took pictures for one of her school projects. We just had a fun time laughing and giggling and it was a really good afternoon. We also got to snuggle on the couch and watch a movie. So yeah, it was a really good day. I missed laughing and giggling with her and kissing her whenever I want.

And I definitely felt more comfortable sleeping there last night. Today went and watched rugby with one of my friends at the stadium so that kc could get some school work done. At least her roommates are gone today so she has the house to herself so she can concentrate. Sometimes she just gets really bogged down with it. I understand about that, I had a ridiculous amount of work when I was in school. And I don't want her to think that I'm distracting her and I know if I was hanging out there I would be distracting her from getting done what she needs to do. This way if she gets it done then she won't be occupied when we do hang out.

Plus, we have spent a ton of time together this week. At least I get to go play some rugby tomorrow and hopefully I find out about this job soon. I would really love for them to call me early in the week and say they want to hire me. I'm starting to get anxious and worried about finding work and right now this is my best opportunity. Plus it's a job that I would be really good at and it doesn't seem like it will be mindless work like my last job.

Things are looking up for me and once I get this job and get a steady paycheck again I'll be a lot happier and more relaxed. I'm really enjoying spending time with kc. And rugby is in full swing. So it's a good time in life for me right now. I just want to keep smiling and laughing and having a good time.

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