Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My sister has a demon

So my parents were here this weekend. My sister came out too. I had been hearing from my dad and stepmom how bad her drinking was getting but I didn't really believe it. Until I saw her.

She got a bottle of rum at the liquor store and we got some beers, usual standfare for when my family is in town. Then we get back to my house. We had plans to have dinner, my parents got to meet kc, and then watch a show afterward. My sister managed to polish off what was left in my bottle of vodka, drinking it straight and warm which is even more gross, and then proceeded to hit her bottle of rum. But she had already had a few drinks on the airplane and blacked out, shoveled a ton of food in her mouth, and then proceeded to throw up all over my bathroom.

She of course didn't remember any of this. We were late for dinner because she wouldn't get up and shower. Then she proceeded to be a complete bitch to kc, but nice as pie to kc's neighbor who came with us. Then we go watch the show and my sister is being obnoxious during the show wanting me to go to the bar and get her another drink. Like she couldn't get off her ass and get it. She had also been demanding and wanting me to wait on her hand and foot, even though I busted my ribs in my rugby game last Saturday and it hurts to make basically any movement.

Then she made me let her sleep in my car for the 2nd half of the show. We get back home and she proceeds to get pissed at me for not letting her sleep in my bed. I had told her a while back that she could and then I hurt my ribs. I've got myself propped up on all my pillows and sleeping in the middle of my bed. She had been jumping on me all day and I was in a lot of pain and sure as fuck didn't want her in my bed.

So Sunday I made everyone homemade waffles for breakfast and then we were going to go to town and walk around the outdoor mall and have a yummy dinner and then sis had been talking about riding the mechanical bull for the last 3 weeks. Except, during breakfast she was sneaking into the kitchen to hit her bottle of rum, drinking it straight out of the bottle. She thought she was being sneaky except we all knew what was going on.

She was plastered and passed out by noon. She went on a tirade against me and my mom calling us some very angry names because we wanted her to get up and go with us. So we left without her. And basically avoided talking about the elephant in the room for the rest of the day.

When we got home a few hours later she was still passed out on the couch, didn't hear us come in, barely moved all evening. Then she was hungover and annoying the next morning. We were going to go to the Botanic Gardens and have lunch at Hooters but didn't end up leaving the house until 3pm and then she had to eat first. And then made me drop her off at home when we got done eating because she just needed to take another nap.

I also caught her trying to stick her finger down her throat to vomit off my porch. And considering she didn't remember vomiting all over my bathroom the day before, and my neighbors porch below goes out further than mine, I sure as hell wasn't going to let her do that. Not to mention that I would have had to clean it up and we had already cleaned up enough the day before. And since my bathroom is near my bedroom I could hear her vomiting the night she polished off the rest of her rum, the rest of my bottle of Captain, half a bottle of wine I had leftover, and who knows how much of another bottle of rum I had.

She drinks and then binge eats and then feels guilty and makes herself throw up. She was complaining all weekend about how skinny I was and calling herself fat, which she isn't. Her self-esteem is in the drain. And I have no fucking clue how to help her. When she almost got a 2 month jail sentence for her 2nd DUI, she didn't talk to me for a month or so because she got mad at me for suggesting she attend some AA meetings while she was in prison.

My whole family is at a loss as to what to do about it. She can't go on drinking like she is. It's only a matter of time before she gets behind the wheel again. Her boyfriend is no help, he drinks with her and doesn't do anything to try and curb her behavior. Not that you could ever do anything to control my sister, she doesn't have the nickname princess for nothing.

She has been a spoiled brat since we were kids. When it snowed my mom would wake me up to help her shovel the driveway while princess slept. She has always been catered to. And then when she hit high school she started getting all kinds of attention from boys. Boys who would ask me for my number so they could call my sister, tell me that she's so hot and we look nothing alike, or tell me they just want to fuck her. That last one almost got me into a fistfight with a guy.

When she graduated she followed a guy to Florida, where once they broke up she got fake boobs and started bartending. I think that's when her drinking really started to pick up. I mean, I'm no saint, I have done and still do my share of partying. But I'm not drinking a bottle of rum in one day and I'm not sneaking it. I take a cab or have a DD. And I hate vomiting so I don't drink to that point.

Her drinking has just gotten out of hand now. I guess I just didn't want to believe that it was as bad as it is. She kept pushing for me to buy baseball tickets in July, but right now I just don't think I can spend any more time with her. I know that I need to say something to her, which I know will result in her not talking to me for a long time, I just don't know how to do it. I don't know what to say to her. She is in complete denial about her problem, doesn't think there is one, is very defensive about it. Except she's a lousy drunk, she gets angry and mean (and then apologizes when she sobers up, if she remembers even doing it), and it makes me not want to be near her. Our whole family doesn't want to be near her.

So yeah, my visit with my family had its ups and downs. I had a good time separately with my parents. And kc got to meet them at dinner and the show. We were talking about my sister last night and she apparently said something to kc at dinner, on top of just being a general bitch to her. I should have kept her as far away from my sister as possible except they got there before us. But, kc did like my parents I think, and at least she doesn't think that I'm anything like my sister.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your a very patient person. Good for you.