Friday, September 14, 2007

Not just any key...

...but the key to her house. That's right, the girl who seems terrified of commitment, or at least cohabitation, has given me a key to her house. kc told me that if she gave me one that it meant that I was really special because she's broken up with other girlfriends for less. I mean, there are some valid reasons as to why I asked her for a key.

Occasionally when I ask her to either leave the house unlocked or leave me a key in the mailbox she forgets. This leads me to have to break into her house, which I hate doing, I hate feeling like a criminal, especially because I'm breaking into a house that I know. And this has definitely happened on more than one occasion. Also, I leave for work really early in the morning and this morning was the first morning that I could actually lock the front door behind me. kc's neighborhood is pretty safe, but there are some weirdos there and I was always paranoid when I left the door unlocked that someone would find their way in, and that would be no good, especially because I know it would have been me who left the door unlocked.

So what does all this mean? I guess I shouldn't read too much into it, I don't need to work myself up. And we have been really good for a while now which I'm enjoying immensely. She is taking care of me and being sweet, I'm pretty sick right now, and she's finding recipes to make me better (although, hot water, honey, and vinegar doesn't taste very good, it did make my sore throat go away in a day, now hopefully it works on my sinsuses). She said she was going to do something special for me yesterday but h had called and asked her for a ride home from the bus station. Now I'm dying to know what it was she was going to do. She came and played softball with me last night too, and the whole team was silly wearing wigs and funny hats, and we all had a good time.

I wish I wasn't sick though because I was totally in the mood for some good lovin' last night, but I fell asleep. kc came to bed a little later and woke me up and we made out for a bit, but she knew I was tired and didn't feel good, so we just snuggled and she rubbed my back and stuff for a bit. I like the way her skin feels against mine, so soft and warm. I want to be back in bed right now sleeping and snuggling and waking up nicely and I definitely don't want to be sick.

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