Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Holy fuck I'm tired

Why is it that I can sacrifice some sleep and she can't? I don't know, I'm a glutton for punishment, but I really like sex so oh well. We went on a cave trip this weekend and for all the talking that was going on, nothing was happening. Okay fine, you wanted to get some sleep before we went into the cave, but then that night WTF? Nothing, and it wasn't for a lack of telling me what you wanted either, too bad you passed out and nothing happened.

Then we drive back on Sunday, my poor fucking car. It got beat all to hell this weekend and now it's going to cost me a kidney to get it fixed. At least kc is going to take me to drop it off and pick it up on Monday. Anyway, back to the point, so nothing happens again Sunday night, I went up to bed early and she stayed downstairs watching TV and playing on her computer. Monday I had some rugby stuff so had to get up early and go do that and got denied the morning sex. At least she apologized, blamed it on the beers that she had been drinking all weekend and the chocolates and candies that we were all eating in the car.

So she made it up to me at least last night, we went out for dinner and then went back to my place. However, didn't get to sleep until around 1am and I get up at 5am to go to work. It is just so not a part of her lifestyle, getting up early that is. She is definitely more of a night owl, but I usually catch up on sleep on the weekends.

Although, not this weekend, travelling for a rugby tournament. That's exciting, I really like travelling with this team, the girls on the team are fucking awesome! And kc is going to fly out and visit one of her friends and try and get her flight somewhere near mine. So she is going to drop me off at the aiport, pick me up on Sunday, and then take me to do my car stuff on Monday. So hopefully she will be in a better disposition this upcoming weekend, and at least she is making an effort to see me this week since I'll be gone all this weekend and next weekend doing rugby stuff.

I'm trying not to get too overwhelmed in my head, but it's hard to not like this girl a lot. She is a lot of fun and I have a really good time with her, and it's not just the incredibly hot sex and the fact that she doesn't make me feel self-conscious about anything. She makes me feel good and happy and I really like sleeping with her and snuggling up against her. And lately if I roll over onto my other side then she will snuggle into my back and try and wrap herself around me.

So I don't really care that I'm tired. I have stuff to do after work to pack for this trip this weekend and then I will read a little and go to bed. Hopefully early, but knowing me I'll end up texting kc for a little while before I go to sleep, unless I can convince her to come and see me 2 nights in a row.

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