Friday, May 25, 2007


So...nothing again yesterday. I don't think she's avoiding me, but damn it sure feels like it. And I gotta tell you, the I'm busy thing is getting old, I mean, just make some fucking time for me. Does she not realize that I'm pretty easy to please, and just coming up to my house and spending some time with me will make me happy? At least I'm getting away today. Heading up into the mountains for a solo night in the woods and a bit of reflection time, time to think about what is going on, what I want, that kind of crap. And it definitely couldn't come at a better time. Who knows, maybe I'll be struck by lightning and suddenly everything will become clear to me. Doubtful, but it's worth a try. I have a bottle of wine, a cheesy book (I love lesbian pulp fiction), and a cozy tent (well, and food and water too, but I figured those would be obvious).

Did a little bit of retail therapy yesterday. I had set out for a new raincoat and possibly a backpacking stove, but, alas, that didn't happen. I could definitely spend hours in REI (oh wait, I did spend an hour there) thinking about how much it would cost for me to actually buy everything I wanted. I ended up with a cute wool coat (to wear under my raincoat if it does rain) that was quite a steal once I factored in that it was on the clearance rack and I had a gift card from work. Went home after that, poured myself a glass of wine (okay yeah, I had 2 glasses, GFY, it was tasty), packed up my stuff, and by the time I had finished all of that it was sleepy time.

Damn, let's hope that this night in the woods does help. And what if she wants to do something tonight with me? I'll just have to tell her I'm busy, but knowing me I'll end up telling her that I'm going backpacking by myself and the last time I told her I was going into the woods alone she freaked out thinking I was going to get eaten by a bear. And then maybe she'll want to come and that will detract from my solo night in the woods but it'd be cool if she actually put in that kind of an effort to see me. But considering that I haven't gotten my hopes up about much lately, I don't think I'll start today.

Hopefully plans work out for the rest of the weekend, people coming over for a BBQ on Sunday and then PBR and cupcakes (fuck yeah some of them will be special) with the rugby team (and possibly kc, am, and maybe a few others) on Monday while watching people run.

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