Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Here I go!

Well, it sounds like a good idea...post your thoughts on this great bastion of anonymity. So I'll see how it goes, let off some steam, bitch a whole lot most likely, and hopefully make some people freaking laugh. The names will be changed to protect the somewhat innocent, although no one is really innocent, especially the ones I know.

I'll start with a little history, then let the bitching begin!!

I became single in January...while it really sucked ass at first, it was really the best thing for me. I thought it would be great, I'd get to sleep around, meet new people, finally do whatever the hell I want to do. Then right out of fucking nowhere (well, I guess she had to come from somewhere), bam, kc pops into my life.

Guess I should back that up a little bit...my ex was supposed to drive me home from the bar so I could get wasted (after all, it was MY birthday). However, she had too much herbage and passed out. Never made it to the bar at all (but I did see her later, I'll get to that shortly), but her new girlfriend, k, decided to bring some of her friends to the bar (take note folks, this is how my docudrama started). Turns out I'm a sucker for a hot chick who can play pool, however, I had to find a way to actually talk to her since one of k's friends was all over me (guess the candy necklace was both a good and bad idea). Managed to talk to her finally...

Oh yeah, did I mention that k feels extremely guilty because she likes to think that it was her fault that my ex and I broke up? I've told her on more than one occasion now that she isn't to blame, it would've happened anyway, and besides, my ex was lame in the sack and a person can only put up with that shit for so long.

Back to the story...since I no longer had a ride home from the bar, k offered to take me to her house (luckily kc was going there too or I would've had to hitchhike home). Well the ex and her current go to sleep, finally, and it was off with our pants!! However, a late night water break interrupted the sex just a bit (gotta love having your ex see your white ass in the air fucking some other girl). So the following night it was definitely time to go to my house.

Well, what I thought was going to be a 1 night stand (or a 1 weekend stand, however the hell you want to look at it) has turned into something that has lasted 4 months now. I thought I was going to get off drama free for a while, but not so much anymore. With the s/am drama, the h/b drama, and the a/k drama, my own seems to pale in comparison, but since all those other dramas are inherently connected in the oh-so-tiny lesbian circle and I've met all of them through either kc or k, there's no fucking escape!!

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