Monday, March 31, 2008

Not sure what I'm doing

So yeah, I did it again, sort of. We had a rugby match yesterday against BI, it should have gone a lot better than it did, but we played well. And then we started drinking. And then we drank some more. We almost kicked the keg at the field, brought it to one of the girl's house, along with a couple 30 packs and started playing some drinking games, and singing.

It was good times. Then we went to the bar...and somehow I started making out with my rookie. A lot. We made out in more locations in town then I can remember and if we had been spotted by the cops we probably would have been ticketed for any number of things including public drunkenness and possibly indecent exposure.

Thing is, it's a little different than the last time this sort of thing happened. I could totally see myself liking this girl, she is fun, a great kisser, and I had an excellent time hanging out with her. We spent all afternoon texting each other, she's going to make me dinner sometime.

I'm not sure why I'm worried about it. Maybe it's just because rugby is my sanctuary and I've got the personal rule about not dating teammates. Or maybe I'm just getting ahead of myself. Who knows. I need to stop overthinking this situation and just relax and let whatever happens happen I guess.

It was a good evening. And certainly a memorable one. And it's cool because she lives down here near me and we're going to start carpooling to practice. And yeah, it was fun.

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