Friday, March 7, 2008

It's been a while

Okay, I'm back...from many things. Ireland was the shit!! Except, I was surrounded by little children on my flight to Philly and I am going to blame them for giving me the stomach flu. bfr and I got all dolled up to go to the bar on Friday night (who would have thought that a bar in a tiny Irish town would have a dress code?) and I made it about 1/3 of the way through a Corona before I had to go throw up. Now, we all know I can drink the shit out of some beers, so obviously it wasn't the drinking that made me sick (and at least in Ireland no one thinks twice about someone throwing up in the bathroom, seriously).

I spent all of Friday night throwing up, and then I had to puke in the sink because this bug just couldn't decide which end it wanted to come out. That really sucked. At least the puking only lasted a night, although the other end was sick for the next 4 days. I mean, who the fuck goes on vacation and loses weight? I expected to put on at least 5 lbs in beer weight. Although, bfr was good about it, I did miss out on going to Waterford and Blarney, guess this means I'll just have to go back.

So Saturday we hung out, chilled at home, went to the farmer's market, didn't go to the bar. Oh, on Friday night I did get to go to bfr's gaelic football practice and I have now found my retirement sport! There's no tackling, but it looks like it can get pretty physical, so now if only I can find a team near my house and actually learn how to play.

On Monday we went to Dublin. It was fucking cold on top of the sightseeing bus, but we made the best of it. Got some great pictures and had my first pint of Guinness. That's just fucking awesome!! Pretty sure we're not supposed to keep the glass (no one was) but since it was my first I had to steal it, and now it's displayed at my house.

Took the train down to Rosslare on Tuesday and enjoyed a cigar on the Celtic Sea. Just walked up and down the beach for a while, wrote kc a piss off letter on the train (haven't decided if I'm going to give it to her, it just made me feel better getting it out of my system), and got my head cleared. Heard back from the professor guy about the job, that was a no go. Oh well, it would have been fun. Although, I did get an e-mail from him yesterday about another position so maybe that one will work out.

On Wednesday bfr had a surprise trip planned. We went to London!! I got to see 2 different countries on my trip. It was sooo much fun! Incredibly tiring, we had to get up at 3am to catch our flight, but it was definitely worth it! It was so whirlwind, and if I ever go back there I will definitely take more time to see more things specifically, but it was still a blast.

I was finally feeling better on Wednesday and by Thursday night I was ready to take on the town. It is amazing how time flies when you're just hanging in a pub. bfr had to go to work so she left around midnight or something, and then the next thing I know the lights are coming on because it's 3am and closing time! Holy shit, I mean, how the fuck did that happen? At least I didn't have a hangover. Didn't get any lovin' either, but considering there are all of 2 lesbians in that tiny little town, it's not as if they were swarming all over me. We got our dance on on Friday night and again saw the wee hours of the morning. Saturday saw some more sites and relaxed. So sad that I had to leave. I did get a head cold, and now I've got a raging cough, but I wouldn't change anything (except maybe the vomiting), and I will definitely be going back sometime. Although, maybe when the weather is warmer, though I did enjoy that there weren't that many tourists and I expect that if I went when it was warmer there would be a lot more people.

So it was a great vacation, and I definitely needed it. Still don't have a job, though I have some leads. I met with my recruiter on Wednesday morning, but the only thing she had was going to give me another 45 minute commute (one way) and in rush hour traffic, so that was disappointing. I'll probably still interview if they want, just because I really do need a job. However, like I said, I got an e-mail from the professor about another professional research assistant job so hopefully something will come of that. And I applied for a job in the toxicology lab at the department of public health and environment. That would be a pretty cool job, and the pay range is much better than anything that I've seen lately.

And in kc news. I resisted her invitation to sleep at her house Sunday night when I got home. Well, first, she went to Vegas this past weekend and had planned her return flight to land when my flight landed. However, hers was delayed, mine was not. So I had to hang out in the airport for another 1.5hrs after I landed (and had already spent all day in airports) waiting for her ass to show up. We were so late that by the time we got near home all the restaurants were closed except for some tiny all night diner. She said I could sleep at her house if I wanted, but I just really wanted to be in my house in my bed, so I went home.

She came over and snuggled with me on Tuesday, but was kind of a grump ass because she was studying for a test. I understand that, I hated school, and one of the reasons she came to my house was because it's quiet. Her house always has people streaming through it, calling her, wanting something, and she just needed to escape to a quiet place. But, only thing we did was snuggle.

Whatever, fuck it, I give up. Now the only problem with this is the potential for some drama tonight. Going to 1st Friday with some of the rugby girls, probably have sr text BIh and see if she's going to be there, however, I think that kc is also going to be there. Now, it's not like I'm trying to throw anything in her face, but if she has to be tortured watching me dance with whoever the fuck I want to, then she can't freak out. I mean, if she's not going to fuck me, and she's said that those feelings just aren't there anymore, then she is just going to have to deal with the fact that someone else might want to.

It's not like I'm planning on having sex with someone right there on the dance floor, but I love to dance and shake my ass. And kc has said that she is a jealous person when it comes to having to let go, especially of me, but she wants me to be happy and knows I deserve someone who actually wants to fuck me. So as long as she doesn't go all psycho ex-girlfriend on me, or start hitting on other girls and whatnot within my sight (because that's just fucking mean since she knows how I feel about her) then things will be okay. I guess last month it was really crowded but when you've already seen someone it's hard to get them out of your head. Maybe I'll get lucky and she'll just stay home and drink or go to some other bar.

I had wanted to talk to her about it last night, but she decided to stay at home and relax after a stressfull school week. I asked her if she wanted to have lunch today, so maybe I can talk to her about it then since I just really want to have fun, shake my ass, and avoid any drama this evening. Some of the rugby girls are going to meet at my house to pre-game it before going out and I just want a relaxed, fun, enjoyable, get my flirt on with BIh maybe, evening.

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks and this weekend is going to be busy. Get my dance on tonight, work the festival tomorrow with the rugby girls, have a match on Sunday, and then keep plugging for a job next week. I'm not too worried about it, I had planned on being unemployed for a little while since I wasn't having any luck, so I just shoved a bunch of money into savings for just such an event. I like to plan ahead. However, if I don't have anything by the end of April, then it will be freak out time.

No time to freak out, time to figure out what I'm going to wear out tonight, what shoes, how I want to do my hair. Yes, I'm a femme girl on the outside, with a little butch on the inside. I'm the badass that some good girl is just dying to meet, although I prefer them a little butch and badass myself. Whatever, I'm not holding out any hope for kc to come around (maybe her seeing me flirt and dance with someone else will jog her memory as to how fucking great I am, but fuck it) and I just want to get out and have some fun and not have her in my head.

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