Saturday, March 22, 2008

Weird and Interesting Things

Wow, yesterday had to have been one of the most weird and interesting days that I've had in a while. I woke up at kc's house in the morning after an evening that I'm just not really sure about. I got a knee in the head at practice that made me a little loopy and a text from kc asking if I wanted to get dinner. However, my interpretation was that it would be just us. Then I get another text saying can I go pick them up because they're intoxicated.

This annoyed me. I mean, really? You couldn't come and get me and your cousin even though we were intoxicated, but you want me to cart your fucking ass all over town to go pick up h at the bus stop, then drive back to almost my house because that's where the restaurant is, because you're intoxicated? Yeah, I'm an asshole to myself, because I didn't realize that making dinner plans would involve having to pick up h at the bus station downtown, and I was starving. So I was kind of grumpy when I got to kc's house and she has the nerve to tell me not to bring her down. Whatever.

We finally got to dinner and I began to relax. Ordered a beer and then had another one for dessert and started to unwind. Cousin g was getting totally hammered and was kind of being loud and obnoxious, but, whatever, it happens. Then we go back to my house to cg can do a shot of the Irish moonshine, and then he threw up in my kitchen sink. Surprisingly, I thought the first person to puke at my house would be either me or one of the rugby girls. Oh well, at least there weren't dishes in the sink and I have a garbage disposal.

Anyway, so I also made myself a big ole drink while we were hanging out at my house and was pretty lit after that. We went back to kc's house and had a balloon and then I passed out on the couch and woke up at 4:30am and went to bed. I have no idea what time kc actually came to bed. I also got the feeling that she didn't really want me at her house, but I asked her before I made the drink at my house and she said we'd just see how the evening went. So we both woke up hungover and took cg to the airport and then I hung out a little bit with her but she had to take people to run errands and do shit, so I just came home and took a nap.

So my day had already started off on a weird note waking up at kc's house. I wasn't exactly in a bad mood, just not feeling totally super. And it's Easter weekend and this weekend tends to fuck me up a little bit in the head. Easter was the weekend that my asshole stepdad tried to kill my mom so I tend to want to do things that clear my head on Easter. He's also the reason that I HATE country music and haven't eaten red meat in 15 years.

But, m invited to go watch this band at a bar downtown and it seemed like a good opportunity to get out of the house and meet some new people. However, m failed to mention that this band was a pretty country type band so it kind of wigged me out but I was trying to just enjoy the people watching. And they didn't play for that long so it was okay. So I hung out and had a good time and met a girl that's going to come and play rugby and then m hooked me up with a bowl for the evening.

I had a nice glow on my drive home and was just listening to some Van Morrison and was feeling really good. It was just weird, the way the whole day was. I wasn't thinking about kc at all while I was hanging out and I was okay with not going to h's birthday party. No idea what I'm going to do today, it looks crappy out and I was going to go for a run outside. Oh yeah, so I get home last night and check my e-mail and my myspace because I'm bored and wasn't sleepy. Guess who found me on myspace? My high school girlfriend, mm. It totally just threw me off, I mean, of all the random people who have found me there, I just didn't expect her to be one of them.

It's not a bad thing, just a weird thing. See? My whole day, interesting and weird. Not bad, wasn't really digging the band, but just weird. It was enjoyable though, aside from how I was feeling waking up with kc and the limited interaction I had with her, by the time I was driving home I was feeling really good. And I like that feeling, it's a great way to end a day.

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