Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Parental Anxiety

I've never really been good with parents, maybe it was the scarring from my first girlfriend's mom, but I always get overly anxious before I'm about to meet someone's parents. Once I'm there I'm fine, but it's the getting there part that is a little hard in my head.

Yes, I know, they love me once they meet me. And, historically, other than m's mom, all the other people I've dated parents have liked me, so I shouldn't have anything to worry about. And, if it were any other time of year, I wouldn't, well, I would at least be telling myself to calm down in my head and hopefully it would work, at least for the most part. But...tis the gift giving season. And we're flying there. And I'm sure if I asked kc if I should bring something she would say no. So, maybe once we're there we can stop off for a bottle or two of some nice wine.

See, my brain is overdoing something yet again. Well, at least I'm recognizing it early on. Time for the relaxation technique. Maybe after I get to go to the beach with kc in California and watch the sunset I'll be able to use the beach relaxation technique again, until then, Miles Davis is going through my head.

Yay, just found out we leave Friday night at 9pm. Something concrete since you can't really back out of a plane ticket. And just checked the weather, sunny and in the 60's the whole time we're going to be there. Now I'm getting excited. I just have to make it through 2 more nights of work. And then I'll be in sunny California. My mom is excited that I won't going to be spending Christmas alone.

It's not like I would be all bah-humbug or anything. I would have just gotten really drunk all by myself, maybe made a good dinner with some nice leftovers for me to eat all week, and watched Christmas movies all day. Maybe head up snowboarding by myself, although probably not. Probably just buy some movies and drink that bottle of wine, and possibly the other bottle. Not in the same day, I'm not that kind of a drunk! But, since I was being forced to take most of the week off from work, that's a whole lot of days of doing nothing.

But now at least I'll be doing something. And I get to see more of California, meet more of kc's family, learn more about her. And I'm sure that time will just keep flying past me. At least I'm keeping busy, getting out there, it makes me happy. Have some fun stuff planned for January and February, and hopefully I can just keep adding to it. I'm sure I will, we've already got most of our rugby season planned for next year. And that's only one activity, then there are the cave trips, backpacking trips, 14ers to climb, and I'm sure a ton of other things.

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