Friday, October 5, 2007

L Bomb

Why are people, especially women, in such a hurry to confess their undying love and devotion to the person they are with? I don't understand this. No, kc did not drop an L bomb to me, nor do I think that she will anytime soon, however, my friend d is dropping them left and right about her girl m.

d is going shopping to buy a piece of jewelry, namely, a ring. I asked her what the significance of the ring would mean and she said it was just a promise ring of sorts, but that she thought it would be really cute if they both had matching rings that they wore.'ve known each other for 4 fucking months, hello, does this not scream moving really fast to you? Not to mention the fact that m doesn't live here, so the time they do spend together is a weekend here and there, usually every couple of weeks. Now, I don't know about you, but when I go on vacation or when I have first met someone, I am always on my best behavior. Not that I am not a kind and decent human being all the time, it's just that when you first meet someone you always want to put your best foot forward. If you have a crappy day you don't let it bother you, you're still in the hot and heavy sex stages, and you're still really excited to see each other. I think for d to truly be able to express those feelings to m she needs to spend a lot more time with her, in a row, like a couple weeks instead of a couple days.

When I was talking to kc about it, because for some reason d asked both of our opinions, which is a bummer for her because kc and I are about the slowest moving relationship you have ever seen (which we both want), I told her that I gave d a list of questions about the significance of this purchase, and if it was to say the L word for the first time. For me, saying that 4 letter word for the first time has enough meaning and feeling that it doesn't need to be accompanied by jewelry, maybe flowers or chocolate, but NOT a ring.

Who knows, maybe kc and I have both been burned enough in the past that that is why we are taking what we have really slow. We don't spend every waking moment together, we sleep alone a few days a week, we schedule our lives first and then time with each other, this way we are excited to see each other and don't become complacent or take the other for granted. We also share the same views on a lot of things, more than I realized, not even the living in separate space, but so many others.

We took a bath together this past weekend (I love taking bubble baths, and it was way more fun since she was in the tub with me) and were talking about stuff. She was talking about what she wants to do when she finishes school and what she wants to do with her house, namely blow it up and build a new one. I told her that if I ever lived with someone else that I would have to have my own bathroom and at least one other room, like a study or a den or something to retreat into. She took it one step further and decided that the house she designs will have to have 2 master bedrooms and bathrooms, each with its own living space. We both agree that everyone needs their own personal space to do as they please, where they can let go and relax. I told her I wanted a room filled with bookshelves and bean bags. I just want a comfy, fluffy room, with lots of bean bags and squishy chairs, and a window seat, so that I can sit wherever I want and read or do work.

Speaking of work, I have decided to go back to school. I almost took this sales job and then I freaked out and realized that I couldn't take that job, despite that it would have paid me a lot of money in the end, because it would have sucked the life and soul out of me. So now I am deciding on whether I would like to get a masters or go all the way and get my PhD. I am thinking of just doing it, going all the way for the PhD, then I can become a professor, or do a lot of research, or do both. This means that I will have to apply to the 1 of 2 schools out here that has a PhD program in my field and hopefully I can get into it in the fall. I am going to take some refresher classes this spring to refamiliarize myself with everything, so hopefully it will get me back on track to what it takes for me to study and get my schoolwork done.

Back to the L bomb discussion...I don't want to hurt d's feelings, and maybe she does think that kc and I are moving slow, but she did ask our opinons, well, not so much our opinions, just asked us if we knew any good jewelry stores. And while I love jewelry, what woman doesn't, I love things that sparkle and are shiny, I firmly believe that a ring is the wrong thing to buy. But, maybe she wants to open up that can of worms, maybe her and m have talked a lot about it and they both feel the same way. I don't know, I'm not there. However, we might be having dinner with them on Sunday night so then we can get to know m a little bit more.

At the rate that kc and I are moving I don't think that either one of us will drop a bomb anytime soon. But I'm okay with that, I know that she likes me a lot, and I like her a lot, and we're just having fun and doing our thing. And while that may be different from what everyone else is doing, at least we are both on the same page with things.

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