Thursday, January 31, 2008

Turning 29 is fun

It's been a pretty good past few days, had a blast this past weekend, and this upcoming one looks like it will be pretty good too. kc took me out for dinner Friday night for my birthday, had some delicious seafood, which, when you live in a landlocked state, is pretty hard to come by. Got to snuggle and have a good evening, though I was a little annoyed that she wanted to go back to her place instead of mine. But, didn't really care since I had to get up early in the morning anyway.

Spent the next 3 days snowboarding and hanging out with the rugby girls. Went out on the town Saturday night (yes, I am that idiot, I carried my birthday balloons with me, but it was fun) and had WAY too much to drink. I can't remember the last time I had a hangover like that, I probably should have after the night I had 2 weeks ago. But, sucked it up and still went snowboarding the next day. sr, m, and I were definitely the hardcore ones of the group since we were the only ones that went 3 days in a row.

It was definitely the best birthday that I have had in a long time. I mean, yeah, meeting kc last year on my birthday was pretty fun, and dinner with her this year was great. But there's just something about getting a bunch of rugby girls together to celebrate (well, shit, anything, it doesn't just have to be a birthday) and have a good time that just brings a smile to my face. And if was definitely better than the birthday "party" I had 2 years ago that no one (and when I say no one, yeah, no one except d) showed up to. And I got to go snowboarding for 3 days in a row, yeah, fuck my job, I told them I wasn't going to be in on Sunday night.

In other new and exciting news...I had a job interview on Tuesday. It went really well, I'd actually be getting to do real research and feelin like an actual scientist instead of just a pretend scientist whose job a trained monkey could perform. Hopefully I'll hear from him before the end of the week so I can tell my job to go fuck themselves. Yeah, I really just can't wait for the day that I can tell them to fuck off, although I only have about 2.5 weeks left on my contract. I'm considering leaving a week early, although I could use the money. But I'm just going to send my boss an e-mail and tell him that if I get hired them my last day will be xx, and if not then it will be yy, either way I'm not finishing out the contract completely. I have to take a couple days to get my shit together before I go to Ireland.

Did I mention I was going to Ireland? Yes, to visit bfr! I haven't seen her in 2 years. Actually, the last time I saw her was at my commitment ceremony to the ex. So, yeah, we have a lot of catching up to do. I can't wait, it'll be my 2nd time using my passport, and I get to go see my best friend. Ireland will never know what hit it by the time I leave. I have to get a new memory card for my camera since I go nuts as it is and I can download them onto my computer after a day or two. But, since it only holds about 500 pictures, I'm going to need a bigger one that holds a lot more!

In kc news, things are going alright there. She did send me a text while I was gone this weekend that said she was really liking me being myself around her and she hopes that I keep doing it because she really likes it. That's a good thing, and we're going out with some friends on Friday night for dinner and First Friday. Some weird chick is sort of stalking kc on MySpace, so that should be interesting if she makes an appearance at First Friday, at least I'll be sober.

I'm going to see an energy healer on Saturday. Should be pretty interesting, hopefully it helps me, especially with my stomach problems. It's paying me back for this weekend and then I've been trying not to stress about kc at all, and so far it's working, but lately I've been having these truly bizarre dreams about her, or at least with her in them.

Last night I had this dream that she sent me a text that was pretty much a booty call, I can't really remember what it said. And then she showed up on my doorstep and we had the most incredibly amazing sex we've ever had. I had to check my phone this morning to make sure I didn't hallucinate and that it actually was a dream. Then this afternoon I'm taking a nap on my couch before work and I have a dream that she sends me a text that she can't ever see me again because she wants to date someone else and knows that I'm not down with that. So just totally random and apparently completely opposite dreams that I'm having.

And of course Sunday is the superbowl and I'm going to watch my boys totally spank the Giants. Yes, fuck you all, I'm a Patriots fan. Of course I am, I'm from NH, it's practically written on our birth certificates that we must cheer for New England teams. So no, I'm not a bandwagon fan, I have cheered for them even when they have sucked really badly. So not going to work again this Sunday night, but I told them that they can't just give me 4 days notice that they are changing my schedule and expect me to drop everything that I'm doing and change my plans so that I can come to a place that just sucks the life out of me.

So it's been a pretty good past few days, hopefully things in my life are turning around. I've started a new year and hopefully I can get some things accomplished this year and get myself more set up for the long haul. The outlook is pretty good.

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