Friday, February 1, 2008

Fighting...well arguing

It was bound to happen sooner or later and I guess it finally did. Yeah, she totally pissed me off and at least I called her on her shit. Apparently, because I did some stupid shit in college, and happen to mention it on a dumb MySpace survey, kc seems to think that it's happening now.

So one of the survey questions was have you kissed anyone this past week? Well, instead of writing her name like I usually do I just put a smiley face. So miss suspicious took that as I made out with someone while I was away snowboarding for the weekend. Actually, she accused me of doing it and then refusing to tell her the truth. I mean, are you fucking kidding me?

It's like, just because you couldn't trust any of your past girlfriends doesn't mean that you should automatically lump me into that group. Seriously, if you're going to do that, then why are you wasting your time with me? Just because I made out with my whole rugby team in college, doesn't mean that I have any desire to do the same thing with my current team. No thanks, I've learned the error of those ways, I've seen the drama that can happen when teammates date each other. It's just an overall bad idea, and even if I was attracted to anyone on my team, it would just never happen. Luckily I'm not attracted to any of them so I don't have to worry about it, but still. I mean, does she want me to preface my stupid survey answers with...when I was in college?

So of course we're having this delightful discussion through text messaging and finally I just got so annoyed I told her I was going over to her house because I wanted to actually talk about it with her and not be dealing with this shit over texting which is no way to have a meaningful talk about something that is seriously bothering her, and now me since she got me all fired up about it. At least her roommates weren't home since I'm not a big fan of having talks like this around other people.

So I get to her house and I'm starving because that's the time when I'm usually eating dinner before work. I make us some pitas with veggies and hummus and she's like, are you going to talk about it or not? I was like, I'm calming down. So we sit down to eat and I'm like, what the hell? And yes, I did actually say what the hell. I know I have a tendency to only say these things in my head and not out loud, but this time it actually came out of my mouth.

We just kinda got into it about her not trusting me that I'm telling her the truth and how it seriously undermines anything she says to me if she can't trust me. I told her that was the biggest issue, I'm glad that she asked me about the stupid survey question, I wouldn't want her eating that kind of feeling and then lashing out at some later point. I know she's been burned in the past, but that doesn't give her carte blanche to assume that she can't trust me either. She felt like I was throwing it in her face that I made out with someone this past weekend with only putting a smiley face there for an answer instead of her name when I always put her name there.

Except that I didn't kiss anyone this weekend, except her when I kissed her goodbye before I left Saturday morning. And if I had, I wouldn't be able to hide that from her. She'd know as soon as I walked in the door that I was guilty and hiding something, I don't really conceal things like that very well. And why, if I still believe that there is a chance for something to happen between us would I go and do something like that? Especially when I have told her that I don't share, so if I don't want to have to share her, then why would I hold myself to a different standard? That would be totally hypocritical of me to say she can't do anything with anyone else but it's okay if I do? Please, that is so not me.

I think that I got that through to her though since by the end of the conversation she had moved off the other couch and come and sat down next to me and snuggled with me on the couch before I had to leave for work. And she got to see pissed off me, which she's been dying to see for some reason. I don't think she realized I had it in me, or, she was just waiting to see if I would actually let it come out, and I did. So that's a good thing. I told her if she pissed me off I'd tell her about it. And this twisted girl said she was glad and that she'd have to piss me off more often. I mean, I don't really want her to set out trying to piss me off, but people are bound to get annoyed with each other at some point.

So hopefully by the time I get down there in the morning she will be in about the same mood as when I left her. Hopefully she let it go and believes me when I tell her I didn't make out with anyone else. It should be an interesting First Friday tonight, considering there's a girl who's basically stalking kc on MySpace that's going to be there, the ex might be there with a date, and for all I know BIh could be there (in which case I'll have to apologize to her for my 2hr drunk conversation I can't remember). Such is my life, just when I think things have died down and are keeping at a decent pace, shit like this happens.

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