Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Feeling way to damn good

This past weekend had to be one of the best weekends I have had in a long time, if ever. I had more fun than I have had in a while, got some really great pictures, met kc's family, had one of the most bitchin' nights in Vegas that I've ever had, and had a little fun in the car on the road trip around the states.

Friday was a really good day, work was fun, kept a little busy, and then I got to go play some rugby. Eye candy was there, always fun talking to her. Got cracked in the nose (not sure if it's broken or not, but they can't do anything about it anyway, so fuck it) trying to tackle someone and it is still hurting a little today. Luckily no black eyes or anything, it's just a little swollen. And my team came in 3rd place at the championships so that was exciting. Then I had to run off to kc's house to take a shower and head to the airport.

Made it to the airport just fine, however, kc called me as I was walking toward the gate to say she had received a phone call saying I was going to miss my connecting flight. The guy at the counter said I would have a half hour, but that I would have to run to the other gate. Not a biggie, so I hopped on the plane. Turns out the guy at the counter was off by a few minutes, since I missed my connecting flight by 10 minutes. Luckily however my layover was in Las Vegas, so, if I had to get stranded somewhere, at least it was in a city that never closes. Made friends with a guy standing in line at the ticket counter so we ended up going out to get some dinner and drinks since we were both stranded. Airline put us up in a hotel, not a stellar one, but at least it was somewhere to go outside of the airport. I didn't have to catch a flight in the morning though since kc decided to drive out and pick me up. That was so fucking sweet of her, I mean, I would have stayed in the hotel and caught the early morning flight, but it was really sweet to have her drive out there and pick me up.

So she finally made it to my hotel around 4am (I had a lot of late nights this weekend) where we had some incredibly hot holy shit I haven't seen you in forever and you've been sending me dirty texts all week sex. I was definitely glad that I had been able to locate something in her room and that airport security didn't check my bag, that could have been slightly embarassing, I mean, pardon me sir, could you put on some gloves, I just cleaned that toy and plan on using it later? That would have sucked. But nothing like that happened and it definitely made for a much more exciting weekend.

Ended up driving to kc's dad's house on Saturday after we woke up (I think we checked out sometime around 8:30am or so, so yeah, not a lot of sleep that night). It was really nice meeting her family, they are wonderful people and I think that they liked me. Her dad even gave me a hug and a kiss as we were leaving (and sent her a message later saying to give me a kiss). May have had a little too much wine before dinner, but her dad was mixing up some killler margaritas so everyone else was in the same boat as me. Her dad's friend was pretty funny too, I guess he went and told kc right after he got there that way to go, I was hot. And then he found out I'm smart too. Double whammy, how nice.

Everyone was really nice too. I sometimes have a hard time talking to people in situations like that, but it was really easy talking to her dad and sister and everyone else that was there. She said that she was worried that I wouldn't talk to anyone, and was definitely happy that I was talking to everyone.

On Sunday we went to a lot of different places. We drove from her dad's house down to the beach and I got to dip my feet into the Pacific Ocean for the first time. Then we drove south along the coast and then headed into a couple of national parks. Drove through Mojave National Forest and then up to Joshua Tree. I wish that we could have been in Joshua Tree during the daylight but we got a late start to our day (and to everyday this weekend). And then since we didn't have to pick up s (which was so fucking wonderful) kc had said that we would just get a hotel somewhere on Sunday night. I figured it would just be some random thing we found driving back, but turns out she got us a room in Vegas. Thankfully I thought to pack one of my sexier outfits (I figured that my tiny black skirt and red tank top didn't take up that much space so fuck it, might as well, and my hooker heels fit into the side pocket of my bag so I didn't have anything to worry about).

Didn't get to the hotel until midnight though, which sucked, because we ended up getting bumped up into one of their luxury suites and I wish we could have spent more time in the room. The bathroom was bigger than my condo, and is probably bigger than my next house. The room was so sweet. So we got all dressed up (damn that girl looks fucking hot in a button down shirt) and went out and had dinner and then went to a bar for some after dinner drinks, though we ended up bringing the drinks back to the room because we couldn't keep our hands off each other.

All weekend long, even in front of her parents, she has been so affectionate and sweet, always hugging me, kissing me, holding my hand, that sort of thing, and it was really cute and nice. I even heard her musing about how did she get so lucky to find a girl like me? Well, I am a good girlfriend, and if you are good to me, I will do very good things to you. You get the special side of me, the side who likes to shop for naughty lingerie, the side that will attempt anything in a car (although at least she was driving, I would have crashed) at least once, the sexually aggressive girl who can make a good impression on the parents, sweet side of me.

Didn't end up getting into town until 6am Monday morning, that was a long drive home from Vegas. We took the scenic route through some more places but we were enjoying the drive and each others company. And she wants to make date plans, told me that she enjoys wining and dining me. Finally, the her that I like is back and it's wonderful. So hopefully it stays this way, I'm just going to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride and not think too much about it, just go about my life having fun doing my stuff and then hanging out with her. I still need to make it rugby, friends, her, and intregrate them occasionally, but she knows this so it's all good.

So now I'm trying to recover from some really late nights and catch up on sleep, but I wouldn't trade this weekend for another. And the upcoming weekends are looking to be pretty exciting too. Have some work function on Friday night followed by a birthday party, rugby get together on Saturday, relax on Sunday, maybe go mountain biking on Monday. I love my life right now.

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