Thursday, August 16, 2007

Still good!!

Well, things have been going good with kc and me for the past few weeks. I'm not sure whether I'm surprised or not. I'm glad that things have been working out, and we have been getting along fantastically, but I do think that I broke my rule and spent a little too much time with her last weekend.

I mean, I went there Thursday after softball (fucking pothead forgot to leave me a key, so I had to break into the kitchen window) and then I went there Friday. Although, at least Friday I went out for drinks with work people and ended up closing down the bars and getting absolutely shit-faced. Was going to take a cab ride home but thankfully there was someone sober who gave me a ride, but that ride was to kc's house. However, rolled in there between 2:30-3am, and her, h, and s were also pretty wasted from a birthday party they were at. Hung out all day Saturday, well, more like laid on the couch in intense pain on Saturday.

Woke up Saturday morning feeling like I had been kicked in the kidneys. That was extremely fucking unpleasant, I hate feeling like that. At first I thought it was just that I was severely dehydrated, but alas, not the case, I had a UTI. And guess what caused the UTI? That's right folks, sex. Apparently most women should go to the bathroom after having intercourse, and I guess it's the same for lesbians using props. Thought I had taken care of all that, but to no avail, I still got sick. So Saturday night I just slept at kc's house...again.

Sunday I had a birthday party to go to for one of the rugby girls after which kc and I were supposed to go out to dinner. She had wanted to take me on a dinner date Saturday night but left her wallet at the party she was at on Friday night, which was okay because I felt like shit on Saturday night. However, she bailed on Sunday night because she said she was too busy. So when I left the birthday party and got to a place where I had cell service I had a message saying that she wanted to have dinner the following night and did I want to go watch a meteor shower? Confused? Yeah me too, no idea which night the meteor shower was.

So I sent her a response but figured I'd play it safe and drive home to my house. Went there and around 8pm decided fuck it, I'm hungry and went into town to get something to eat. She finally got back to me around 9, told me she had been taking a nap when I called, that the meteor shower was that night, but I didn't have to go. I told her I wanted to watch it with her so I drove down.

That was dumb on my part. She was totally PMSing and being cranky, but didn't tell me that until the next day. And then the beer that I had at dinner made my kidney hurt really bad again, so I ended up crying in pain and sleeping alone most of the night since she fell asleep on the couch in her office. That's when I had decided I had broken my rule, shouldn't have gone down there Sunday night.

Monday I went to the doctor and he confirmed my suspicions that I did indeed have a UTI, gave me some medicine (took the last of it this morning), and now I am feeling SOOO much better. Stayed at my house Monday night though, needed to. Just rested and took it easy.

Tuesday night kc and I went out for nice dinner. The fishhouse was really tasty, we had a couple glasses of wine, ordered some dessert, and then I was too full to function so we just went home. Ended up falling asleep before she could give me a head rub. I had a wicked fucking stressful day at work (nothing compared to what Wednesday turned out to be, but still fucking bad) and she said she'd give me a head rub and snuggle with me, but, we fell asleep.

So she is going to play softball with me tonight and I'll probably end up staying at her house. But, I think I'll tell her if she wants to hang then she can come to my house Friday night. Saturday I'm going to go do a rugby thing with another team...maybe get to talk to eye candy a little more on the bus to the casinos. I'm not really a gambler, but I think after I broke my rule from last week I think I should go, just to get away for the day. Then I got invited to go camping with k, highly unusual, but maybe I'll go, maybe see if some of the rugby girls want to go. Maybe kc will want to go. I don't know.

So other than me breaking my rule and her PMSing things have been good. Conversations are great, sex is incredible, and we're really enjoying each other's company. Hopefully it continues like this although I'm not sure at what point I will want her to decide that I am her girlfriend. Although, after I had to break into her house on Thursday night I told her (granted, it was in my drunken state on Friday night) that she should give me a key to her house. It's actually a good idea in that I hate feeling like a criminal having to break into her house, she keeps forgetting to leave me a key because she's a fucking pothead and forgets, and this way I can lock the front door when I leave in the morning. She said I was a lucky girl if I could get a key out of her and she agreed that she should give me one. Guess we'll see how that goes, I think it will go well.

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