Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fucking ex's

If my weekend hadn't been so fucking good I swear to god the phone call that I got this morning would have made me go postal. That crazy bitch thinks that I should drop everything and be at her fucking beck and call when she wants something and gets pissy if I say I'm busy. Hello, I got a fucking life after we broke up, it's not my fault that you and your girlfriend broke up (finally, poor k for having to put up with her for that long).

Let me start from the beginning. Friday sucked at work, it was everyone's last day (except a few of us), I got called out of breakfast because someone was fucking something up and I had to go fix it, so that already set me off. Then I get yelled at for something that isn't my fault, get yelled at some more for messing something up, again, only partly my fault. I didn't know the guy was going to be fixing the door and slamming it and messing my shit up. So I told kc that I was going to pick up a 12-pack of Corona on my way home.

My new relaxation method is to picture a white, sandy beach, laying in a hammock, sipping a chilled drink, swaying lightly in the breeze, and snuggling with kc. It's working out well, hence why I wanted the Coronas. So anyway, she says that she is going to p's house, do I want to bring them there? Sure, of course I do, p is fucking hilarious, bummer s was coming with us, but she was pretty chill. Although, seriously, does she need to cart that fucking African drum with her everywhere? And the recorder/flute? We're going to play cards and hang out, is it necessary to cart all that shit along with you?

Okay, back to my story. So I hadn't eaten much all day, definitely got tipsy, definitely had kc up on the counter at p's until he came upstairs and told us that the oven could preheat itself...oopsy, oh well, he didn't care.

Saturday was supposed to go gambling with the rugby girls but found out at the last minute that the trip was cancelled, so it was s's birthday and we went to her parents house for dinner. Her mom made some kick ass Italian food that was SOOO good. It was actually a nice evening, that was starting to get a lot better until there was a knock on the door at 1am. ha and some other girl showed up randomly, I mean, all the lights were out and kc and I were already naked, so you'd think that they wouldn't have bothered, but we ended up putting some clothes on and hanging out for an hour.

But, at least kc made it up to me, after they left, and again Sunday morning. God I love morning sex, I just have so much energy and I'm relaxed (well, still relaxed from the night before), and the lighting is great, can't beat that morning glow. Then I left her house (can't break my own rule 2 weekends in a row) and hung out with some rugby girls, ate a delicious dinner, watched a movie, that sorta thing.

Monday I had a meeting to start my new position as a temp at my job...that pretty much sucks, but oh well, can't do anything about it except keep looking for a new one. But then I met d, d's new woman m, and kc out for lunch. That was nice and then went back to my house, took a nice long nap with kc, and then went and hung out at k's. Which is where she told us that her and a had broken up finally, it needed to happen, she's okay with it. Had a nice time and then kc slept over at my house and gave me a massage and that was relaxing. I like waking up with her, that warm body with its soft naked skin, pressed against mine makes it very hard for me to leave my bed.

So this morning started off well enough, until I get this irate phone call from a, bitching about how it's so rude for me to never call her back (fuck her, I'm not her damn beck and call girl anymore) and then she ripped up the check she had for me and wasn't giving my money to me. Excuse me, fuck you, I wrote the original check and I can get a copy of it from the bank as well as a copy of the check the HOA wrote her, if she wants to be a bitch like that. Then she starts asking for the water purifier back, apparently forgetting that when we split up we were dividing all the camping stuff equally, so she's all, my brother bought this for me it's mine give it back, whiny ass shit. Fine, whatever, I don't give a fuck, if it means that you'll stop calling me then it's worth it. Then, where is my red sleeping bag, I know you have both of them, I can't find mine, give it back to me. She hasn't asked for any of this stuff all summer long and suddenly she wants it?

I think that she just doesn't know how to handle anger. So I had to stop talking to her because she had called my work number and I couldn't be sitting in the lab yelling at her on the phone. She hates it when I say I'm busy, well too fucking bad, it's not my fault you have no friends and no life. I got involved in an activity to make new friends, and I'm putting myself out there meeting new people, she should do the same because then maybe she wouldn't be focusing all her anger at me (since I guess she is trying to be friends with k right now).

She is going to turn into a serial monogamist, jumping from one relationship to the next, I can see it happening, and she doesn't realize how self-destructive it is going to be for her. She needs to get a job or make some friends at school, hell she should join a school activity to meet new people, and then maybe she wouldn't be pouring her insecurities out on everyone else.

When we first broke up I thought that maybe some of it was me, but not really, she has anger and jealousy issues. I think that she is angry at the world for some reason, maybe because she doesn't know what she wants to do with her life, and I think that she is jealous of what her brother and her sister have. They each have their own houses, their own jobs that are secure and pay them well, and they each have their own lives and friends that they can hang out with. She hasn't made one friend since we broke up, except her now ex-girlfriend, who doesn't really want to hang out with her. I almost feel bad for her, until I get bitchy phone calls like the one I got this morning.

Oh well, not my problem, go fuck yourself. My life is going pretty damn good and I'm not going to let her ruin my good mood.

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