Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I have come to realize that those 3 little words don't actually need to come out of my mouth, kc already knows it. I'm not really sure what I said that night after rugby prom that made her get back to who she was with me, but whatever it was, it worked.

She has been all snuggly and affectionate and attentive when we spend time together. Which is a nice change from her almost ignoring me and then not being her usual self when she is with me. We went for a hike on Sunday, that was a good time, good talking. Then Sunday night she helped me pack up stuff in my room and load it into her truck and my car and then I went and slept at her house on Sunday night. Monday I closed on my condo (so fucking happy!) and she helped me move in and make another ride up to my storage unit to get stuff. She didn't bitch at all about getting stuck in rush hour traffic, only a little bit that she was hungry (she gets cranky when she gets hungry like I get cranky when I get tired, guess it's fair). I made her delicious dinner after I went to the grocery store and then we went to bed early. We were both pretty wiped. I definitely could have had some seriously sleepy sex, but we both passed out before that could happen.

Then today we woke up, I made some waffles and stuff for breakfast and we hung out for a bit. But I had to get unpacking and she had stuff she had to do. And then my toilet got clogged, so sad, my first full day in my place and something breaks already. Had to go to Home Depot and buy a plunger, and then I couldn't get it to work, apparently I don't have the right technique. So kc came over and fixed it for me and then we watched a movie, well, started to watch a movie, and then she wanted to have sex!! Yes, finally, back into the swing of things.

I love having sex with that girl. So much so in fact that I almost blurted out those 3 little words. But that's when I realized that it doesn't matter, she knows that I love her, whether or not I actually say it out loud. Watching the movie, having sex, and then cooking dinner of course made me a little late for work. No nap either so I'm tired as all hell, hopefully this means I'll sleep good today. It's snowing out, so the sun won't be shining in on me. I get to stop and get stuff from my storage unit in the morning, buy some soap, and get a new phone (mine broke on me this weekend, not exactly sure how since it was fine one minute and then the top was coming off the next) so hopefully I'll miss traffic on my ride home. My commute just went from 15 minutes to 45 minutes, but I love my new place so it's definitely worth it.

I'm so happy that things are going well. It's such a nice feeling, and I'm going to maintain it. I just need to stay relaxed and enjoy life and what is happening at this moment.

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