Thursday, November 8, 2007


Bummer, I had most of the weekend figured out, well, pretty much all of it, at least what we were doing at night, and she bails on me. Well, she only bailed on Friday night, and she better have a pretty fucking good reason why since I already bought tickets for the event. I'll find out tomorrow what that reason is, she said it was complicated and it had to be a conversation not a text fest which is fine by me, trying to relay a story using only 150 characters is pretty fucking impossible.

At least I told her I was pretty bummed about it. I mean, I'll get over it, but still bummed nontheless. The good thing about getting out and meeting people and making friends though is that I at least can send out an e-mail to the rugby team and I'm sure that someone will want it, if not I've got other friends I could call, although one of them is already coming with me. Anyway, I'm not going to let it ruin my night, I'll still have a kick ass Friday night, and maybe it'll be a good thing since I think that we've been spending a little too much time together anyway.

And she didn't bail for Saturday night. For some reason she hates proms and dances and such, but this is really just like one of our drink-ups, just dressed up. Maybe I should tell her about my prom experiences from high school. Let's see, my junior prom my girlfriend wouldn't go with me for a multitude of reasons, not the least of which was we'd be the only lesbian couple there, so I ended up going with a group of friends, and yes, I was the only one without a date. It wasn't too bad, found a couple other single girls and made the best of it. My senior prom was a little different. By then I had been outed to the entire high school so now my girlfriend REALLY wouldn't go with me. I had no group of friends to go with because they all bailed once I got outed. I drove there by myself, walked in alone, and have no pictures of the evening at all. My sister's boyfriend bought me a corsage because he wanted to be nice, and it was nice. I spent the evening hanging near my little sister and her circle of friends and ended up going to an after party with them where one of the guys tried to feel me up in the back of his car. Not exactly the most memorable experience.

But then I got to college and started playing rugby. Rugby parties were always fun. Even our formals were fun. And no one cared that my date was a girl, even though I was the only one bringing a girl for a date. We all got dressed up, drunk, and danced the night away. I know that kc isn't really a big dancer, that's fine, she has watched me dance before. I just know that my experiences with rugby parties have been much more enjoyable and memorable than any high school prom I ever went to.

So hopefully she can have a good time and relax and enjoy it. She knows that us rugby girls are a crazy lot and the guys are even crazier. It will be a really fun evening. And since she hates these sort of things I'm really not going to get my hopes up for anything, although maybe she'll bring flowers since she did bial on me for Friday night. Anyway, not going to dwell on it. Just going to make the best of both nights and have a really good time.

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