Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I'm there but not all there

I was woken up by my realtor this afternoon saying that the person who owned the place had countered, told me what it was, and asked if I was okay with it. Yeah, fine, just dandy. However, does no one pay attention when you tell them that you work the night shift? Of course I don't sound excited when you talk to me, I've just been woken up out of a deep sleep, how would you feel if I called you at 3am and wanted to talk?

Anyway, I signed the counter offer and I'm officially under contract on this place and plan on closing in 2 weeks. Is anyone else out there freaked out? Me too! It's exciting though and I'm really looking forward to having my own space. I think that kc is looking forward to it as well, especially because it will be closer to her house so I don't have to listen to her bitch about driving to mine all the time. Plus, we can do whatever we want and not have to worry about anyone walking in on us.

Not to mention that apparently gs is going to be sleeping on her couch starting in February when his girlfriend moves to California. He is going to eventually move out there with her, but not until late spring/early summer. That is a long fucking time. I'm definitely going to be wanting to spend more time at my house, I mean, 4 people living in that house? It's big enough but still, sometimes it seems crowded with just the 3 girls living there, throw in a guy to the mix and who knows what will happen. At least none of them will be sleeping together since all the girls are lesbians and he has a girlfriend.

So I'm doing pretty well mentally. Working out is helping as well, I'm so happy that sr and lg want to go work out at night during the week. I'm also really glad that they are motivated to go, so we kind of motivate each other which is key for me. I guess now the only thing that is on my mind with kc is that sa keeps talking about some trip to Hawaii this winter. But kc hasn't mentioned it to me at all, I guess they will be staying with her ex, and maybe that's why she hasn't told me. Or maybe it's just something they keep bantering about that won't actually happen since I think that if sa had any extra money for a plane ticket she'd be going to visit her girlfriend. Oh well, maybe I should talk to her about it the next time it comes up. It just doesn't seem worth it, although I guess it is since I can't seem to get it out of my head.

Whatever, I just want to concentrate on this weekend first. One thing at a time here. I'm also starting to feel a little anxious about the holidays approaching but if I don't think about it I'll be okay. This weekend is the most bitchin' skiing/snowboarding movie and we're going to see it Friday night. Then Saturday is rugby prom. I know that I shouldn't set myself up for disappointment in getting my hopes up that kc will do something even remotely romantic but I would like her to. I know that she's not the romantic type, but I am, and she knows this, and maybe she should ask her roommates for ideas or advice in that department. Again, not getting my fucking hopes up here, I just want to have a good time partying with the rugby girls and finally getting kc to hang out with them.

It's not that she doesn't want to, she just wants to give me my space to let loose and have fun with them. Which is fine, but sometimes I'd like her to join. They always ask about her, always invite her wherever we are going, and I like that, I like that they like her and they know I like her, so it's good.

So my head is getting better, my heart doesn't know what to do but at least it's not acting up and fucking with my head, and my life is definitely on the right track. Hopefully things fall into place and everything works out in the end.

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