Thursday, June 28, 2007

Holy crap...

Where do I begin? Well, the condo was supposed to be closed today and I am supposed to have a giant redheaded monkey off my back. However, the people that are buying it are being super picky about stuff, and even stuff that wasn't mentioned in the inspection report...GFY!! We did everything they asked, if they were going to have such a problem with it they should've just done it themselves. I mean, we're giving them $1000 today anyway, supposedly for the furnace, which is totally functional, so I doubt they're using it for that. If they want a new fire door go down to the fucking Home Depot and get one.

At least I got to play rugby last night. I got to work out some anger on the field and managed to come away with really only a road burn on my elbow and a knot in my calf. kc came to watch the game with s. I was glad she made it. On Tuesday night she sent me a text that it made her sad to see me on Monday because she misses me. She misses my companionship and our intimacy and sleeping with me and snuggling with me. But she said she didn't want to fuck with my head and have me be depressed and withdrawn again. I told her that I was much better, especially after my vacation. She said that was fast, I told her that I had been trying to find myself since the ex and I broke up, and that was 5 months ago. Took me about that long with the ex ex. It was just a bummer that she had to see me going through that process.

So now we're just talking and seeing how things go. She's supposed to come up tonight and give me a hug and a massage (my neck hurts a bit from the rugby) after I get done doing pottery with the team. If not, I guess we're supposed to go watch a show in the city, h's gig I guess, tomorrow night. I told her that I wasn't sure about what to do after the show and she wanted me to stay at her house. But, I have some rugby stuff again on Saturday, so at least we're doing our own thing and hanging out occasionally. I think that it got a little too involved before and I just need to make sure that I'm maintaining an amount of separation. I can't let it fuck with my head again because that was not a fun situation to be in.

At least I don't have a softball game tonight so I can stop at the store and get some stuff to help fix my room up at my friend's house. They are being really nice, but I feel like I am totally disrupting their lives and their system. They know I keep some late hours occasionally, last night I rolled in around 11pm (which isn't late by most standards, but when you get up at 5am it is), but at least the dogs didn't bark. It still woke them up though. I just have to make sure that they know that that's how it is going to be on at least Wednesdays and Thursdays and that hopefully it doesn't bother them too much.

Oh yes, and more crap. The company that I work for had its contract cancelled so I'm unemployed in 2 months. So on top of all the house business, trying to move, getting rid of the ex, the kc drama, rugby, and softball, I get to look for another job. I had thought the condo business would be settled today so that I could start concentrating on the job thing next week, and hopefully that is the case, but it's just a little stressful not knowing.

On the bright side though, I can take a job anywhere I want because I'm not attached to a person or a place. I can take a job in the city that is an hour away from where I'm at now because I can always move to be closer to it. That's a refreshing feeling, and something that I think I want to do. I've been here for a while and I've done everything I can do in this town, it's fun occasionally, but I'm getting bored with it. Plus I just don't want to be running into the ex everywhere I go, I mean hell, I ran into her sister at dinner on Monday. That was enough for me. And I like living on my own and am really excited to not have any pets and not have to worry about my allergies getting all crazy.

Holy shit I am busy.

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