Thursday, June 7, 2007

Still tired...

Stayed up late packing stuff up in my house. Allergies were going haywire because of the dust, but managed to get all of the ex's stuff into her bedroom and out of mine. So now she no longer has to go through my stuff to find hers, which was really annoying to me. Maybe it's just that I don't have to suppress my annoyance at her, or maybe I shouldn't have done that in the first place, but either way I don't have to deal with her shit. Not my problem!!

Had a message from kc this morning about this weekend. She told me to have a good Thursday and Friday at work and was wondering what I was doing this weekend, and did I want to spend Sunday night at her house when she gets back. Okay, if you ever read this shit, LAY OFF THE STUFF!!! Hopefully it's just that you sent me the message at 2:30am, but I've been telling you for 2 weeks now about my parents coming, you said you wanted to come over Sunday night and have dinner and meet my mom. And you wonder why I repeat myself so much, how am I supposed to know what you're going to recall and what you're not? At least she said she would call me while she was gone, hopefully she does. That's the sweet side of her that I like, the side that misses me when I'm not there, the side that loves to snuggle with me, the side that knows if she fucks it up with me that it could be a huge mistake for her.

So as stressful as it would be to have kc meet my mom and stepdad, I don't think it would be that bad. It's just hard because introducing someone to your parents is kind of a big step in a relationship (yeah, see my dilemma with the whole we're not in a relationship thing but what the fuck else do you call it when they don't want you to date or sleep with other people because she would be jealous?) and while I know that she wouldn't judge my parents and I think that my parents are pretty open to all the people I have introduced them to, I'm not sure if it's too soon or if it really is a good time since I've been telling them about her for the last 4 months? Plus I think that once she was there and hanging out for a bit my stress level would go down. And I could sleep with her at my house on Sunday night (one of the last nights that we will ever spend at my house) and that's nice because she hardly ever comes to my house.

That will hopefully get easier once I move. I'm forcing my parents to go house hunting with me tomorrow before I take them on a trip into the mountains. I'm not sure why she doesn't like coming to my house, maybe it's the drive, but WTF? I drive down to her house all the time so it shouldn't be that hard to come to my house occasionally. Plus once I move I'll want to stay at my house since I want to buy a new bed with a fluffy mattress, and I'll need to clean and organize, and that just takes time. Plus with rugby and softball at least 3 nights a week I'll be busy. And am and d want to hang out with me more and that's nice to make friends outside of the circle that I normally hang in, if I even have a circle that I normally hang in. I can't wait to actually have a dinner party for friends and know that they will show up instead of bailing on me.

So, it'll be a whirlwind weekend with the parents, hopefully things go well, maybe they'll help me pack more, and they'll at least get a preview of some of the neighborhoods that I'm checking out. I guess I do hope that kc makes it back early on Sunday, even if it is for selfish reasons, but it would be nice to see how she takes in my family, well, at least my mom and stepdad. Since my dad and stepmom have never been out here in the 3 years that I've lived here I'm not going to hold my breath for her to meet them anytime soon, if ever.

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