Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Vacation is supposed to be relaxing. Vacation is supposed to be where you get to clear your mind of all the crap that is going on in it. Vacation is where you get to sleep late and not have any worries. BULLSHIT!! Or at least my vacations seem to be turning out that way.

When I went on vacation in January the shit hit the fan at work and they realized how valuable I am to them. They were going to give me a promotion, got screwed over, but still manage to show up everyday. Had Friday off a couple weeks ago when my parents were here, an incident happened while I was gone and now a guy got fired over something trivial. And now here I am on vacation again and I find out that when I get back I've got 2 more months of guaranteed work and then poof! Unemployment.

God, and I thought being homeless was bad. At least the company is keeping 5 positions, however it's now going to become a blood bath with at least 15 (probably more if you count the other plant) people going after the same positions. I think that I have a pretty good shot at getting one of them, but you never know and I guess I shouldn't count on that.

Did I do something to make my universe go out of whack? Yesterday had a text conversation with kc about how my insecurities and inability to open up pretty much killed any chance of us having a relationship, at least right now. Duh, I know this, I know that I have stuff to work on. If I could've met her after I had recovered from my disaster with the ex I think that things would be a lot different right now. So now I just need to go about my life doing what I need to do for me.

I swear that Karma hates me. Or is just testing me. I guess everyone needs to be tested to determine their strength. I just didn't realize that all of my tests would occur at once. I mean, divorce, homelessness, and now unemployment. What the fuck happened to me and my life? So much for having a plan. Well, on the bright side, if I can survive all of this and manage to come out on top then I will know that I am the strong, determined person that I know is on the inside of me.

1 comment:

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