Friday, June 1, 2007

Taking charge...

In my effort to not feel like I get walked all over by the people I date, I have decided that I am going to make stipulations of sorts for when kc and I hang out, when it's not an official date. For instance, I switched days with a coworker and had yesterday off. So Wednesday night kc wanted me to go down and see her (she had to get up early to go pick up tile for her hearthpad). And I told her that I would (because, seeing into the future, I didn't want to hang out at her house all day watching her play with tile) ONLY if we went and picked up my wiper motor and replaced it and got my car put back together. And we did.

She got up early and went and picked out tile for her floor, I stayed in bed, because fuck, I wasn't getting up at 7am to go do something that wasn't even for my house on my day off. Then she came back, we went and got some breakfast, and then drove and picked up my motor, and then went back to her house, took a little nap, worked on my car, and then played with the tile. I got a day that I needed, that was just the 2 of us hanging out, talking (and the talking is getting a lot easier ever since we had our discussion last weekend, I feel like there is a weight lifted off my shoulders and I'm getting more comfortable), without other people streaming through and distracting.

And the tile does look really freakin' good, and I got to arrange some of the pieces since in some abstract form I found the letters in her name in the pieces (it's definitely not obvious, but it's cool once you see it and know it's there), and she really liked the idea. She likes that I can see all these weird abstract things and that's nice because I don't know shit about art and can't have a meaningful discussion with her about it because it would all be bullshit coming out of my mouth.

My next piece of taking charge...Saturday night. I have to work on Saturday (since I switched days to have Thursday off as a favor to one of the weekend girls) until 11pm. No way in hell would I be driving to the city that late. So kc and s are going to come up and see me at the bar near my work.

This turn of events and having her realize that I need things for me too is working out nicely. Now as long as tonight doesn't turn ugly everything should be all good. Tonight is first Friday and I'm going to hang out at the meat market with d and am. d has a crush on me, but out of respect for kc I don't think that she would ever hit on me or make a move on me, and kc knows this. But both d and am are in serious need of a good night with a wild woman to get them back into the swing of things (who knows how long it's been since d actually got laid, hell her and kc almost slept together out of a need to get some, but then kc met me), and I will help facilitate them each finding their soul mate for the night. Hopefully kc is in the mood for some good lovin' when I get down to her house and when I get back from the bar. But she told me yesterday that once her stove/hearthpad gets finished that sense of completion will really help her sex drive, and god damn it better...hmmm...maybe I should go down earlier just to get a little pre-bar action, but s will probably be there, so that might kill things.

Okay, well...since I have to work Saturday there will be an update tomorrow on how tonight went and possibly what the rest of the weekend looks like.

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