Thursday, July 19, 2007


Yeah, I'm a glutton for it. I know. I'm a fucking idiot. But what am I going to do? I like the girl. And I'd really like to know why she has been all freaking weird the last few days. I mean, that drunk text was interesting and so after yesterday not really sure what is going on.

kc didn't come over last night. Actually, I didn't even hear from her until 7:30pm. At least I wasn't waiting by the phone. I went down to the city for a teambuilding activity at 1pm, had a margarita and some beers with the work people. Then kk invited me over since I didn't want to drive back up home just to turn around and drive right back to the city for rugby. So we hung out at her house and talked and had a few more beers, it was pretty nice to get to talk to her outside of work, she seems like a really fun chick. And I almost have her convinced to ditch her boyfriend and have a girls night out for the next First Friday.

So I had a little buzz when I started to play rugby, but at least I was good and was drinking water along with my cocktails. And I didn't spend all evening checking my phone, I just checked it when we were done playing. So at least I made her wait for a response, she just said hello. I asked if she wanted to come up and talk about what was going on and she said not tonight but maybe tomorrow night. Told her that I had softball but she could come over afterward since I'm fucking tired right now. So now she's supposed to come up tonight, possibly come watch my softball game (or even play, sometimes we're short on girls, it's a co-ed league). Who knows, I'm not holding my breath for it, she has a habit of bailing on me at the last minute. Although for some reason I don't think she will tonight. Something in her mood and the wording of her messages just makes me think that she will actually come and see me tonight.

But on a higher note, I did get to check out my eye candy on the other rugby team. She's pretty cute, although it appears as though she might have a girlfriend. Oh well, can't hurt to look. And I'm pretty sure that she'll be at the party on Saturday so that is good. Apparently there are going to be a lot of single lesbians at this party so that is a good thing. It will certainly help me expand my circle, I need to escape the small circle that I have been sucked into. And the rugby girls did some karaoke and I had a really fun evening last night. I laughed like I haven't laughed in a long time and that is such a good feeling for me. It helps my sanity so much. So even though I left there really late (and didn't even want to leave when I did) and got up early to go to work, I'm still in a pretty good mood. And wondering how tonight will turn out.

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