Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Lonely but excited...

I'm not sure I've told her, at least not in as many words, but I miss her. But I think that she misses me too, considering that the other night she decided she couldn't take it anymore and said she would like to fly me out there to see her and then I can drive back with her. So Friday night after rugby I get to head to the airport and fly out to see kc. Should be fun, I've never been there before. I get to watch the sunrise over the ocean for the first time (at least at this ocean).

And with this missing comes a longing as well, as the dirty text-a-thons have been heating up all weekened. This weekend was a pretty fucking good one too!!

Went and hung out with the rugby girls on Friday and Saturday. We did a little dualathalon, although I got lost a few times along the course. Luckily I had 2 girls from town with me otherwise I would have been so screwed. They would have found me lounging by the river with my feet in the water because I would have had no idea how to get back to the house from where I was. It was fun though, got some really great pictures. Those girls are my sanity. I've said it once and I'll say it a lot, if it weren't for them I would have jumped off a bridge by now. Went to the movies by myself yesterday then came home, cleaned, and read a bit.

And d has met a new girl, mg. That's exciting, it sounds like there is a spark. They have already visited each other once and mg is going to come for a visit at the end of August and then d will go visit her a few weeks after that. I'm not sure about the whole meeting someone on-line thing, but at least this girl doesn't sounds like a sociopath or a stalker so that's good.

I can't wait until Friday night. I get to play in the rugby 7's summer championships and then I get to fly out to see kc. I told her that she had better park the car in a discreet location because I wasn't sure how long I could hold out after seeing her, or rather, after not seeing her for so long. I mean, it's not really that long, but when you're as revved up as I am...and as she is...well then, let's just say the texts have been hot and the sex on the beach will be even hotter. I might try and see if I can get Tuesday off from work just because I know I'll be tired. We're driving back on Sunday and then home on Monday. And I think it would be a nice surprise to wake up Tuesday morning after such a great weekend and not have to come to work. That would be great!!

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