Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Where it's at...

Here's a little weekend recap (not for the squeamish or faint of heart).

Friday night kc met me at one of my favorite restaurants in town after work. She had said that we needed to talk. Although we didn't really talk about what I thought that we would talk about. I had figured that after what we had talked about earlier in the week that she would either say that she had to let me go because she understood that if she wasn't going to date me that I was going to start looking for other people, or that she wanted to date me. Except that didn't happen. She just reiterated that she doesn't like h anymore, realized that it would be a huge mistake to do that since h is a little crazy, and that she would be sad because she knew that I wouldn't be in her life if she did that. And she didn't want to lose me from her life.

So after dinner we walked down to the bar to meet some of the rugby girls. Hung out there for a little while, but kc and I had been exchanging dirty texts all afternoon so there was a little charge in the air. Left the bar early to go home and have some incredibly hot sex. Even tried a few new things. That poor girl who watches the dogs...she has the worst timing for watching those animals.

Saturday had a garage sale with the rugby girls and then the party later. The party was SO much fun. I got to talk to and meet so many of the girls on the other team. Met eye candy, found out what her name is. Think a couple others were flirting with me, including the birthday girl. Left before I had too much to drink, thank god, because I hate hangovers and feeling pooey the next day. So got a ride to kc's house from sr, it's always nice to have a DD. Had some even hotter sex than the night before because we had the house to ourselves (s is out of town and h was out somewhere).

Woke up Sunday morning feeling REALLY good and frisky. Damn I missed the great sex with kc. Not that it's all about that, but when you're compatible with someone in that way, it makes things a lot more fun and interesting. Just layed around the house all day watching movies and relaxing which was nice.

Yesterday we were supposed to go mountain biking but we were kind of busy, I had to go home and interview with a company for another temp job (someday I won't be a fucking temp or contractor) and then do a ton of laundry and go to the pottery place and glaze my pieces. So I grilled some dinner and kc came up later in the evening. Had to take a drive out to her aunt's house in the evening. By the time we got back we were both exhausted, so just snuggled and fell asleep (see, it's not always about sex).

So it was a fulfilling weekend. I did everything I wanted to do and then some. I got to go to the pub and hang with the rugby girls Friday night, do the garage sale and the party on Saturday, relax on Sunday, and do my pottery on Monday. I wasn't sure how things were going to go with kc, but they seem to be going just fine. We were talking and just decided to see how the commitment thing pans out before we jump into anything serious. She is going on vacation tomorrow to visit her family so that will be nice. I don't want to get back into this hanging out at her house every weekend thing that I did before. Going to try to schedule some camping trips and hiking trips for August. If she wants to join me that's fine, if not, have a fun weekend, I'm doing what I want to do.

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