Tuesday, July 3, 2007


If she wants to then why doesn't she? She knows I want to. Does she think that telling me that she wants to but can't is any sort of consolation? If she didn't do a damn thing all day because her roommates are jobless and just sit around sucking her into their pit then the least she could do is muster some fucking energy to come and see me and make good on the texts. I mean, it's not like all her damn energy was expelled doing work on her house (which she should be doing because that's her usual excuse for not coming to see me) so WTF? Get yourself out of the fucking coma you're in and do something that you want to do besides sit on your ass. You're not that person who can just sit around all day and I'm sure it's killing you that you have been.

Oh well, sent her an invite for dinner, also thinking about inviting d and her mom. There's certainly no way I could eat all that turkey burger and dip myself. Still going cook it, nothing special for her by any means, was going to do it anyway, but she's been saying she's going to come over all weekend long, so hopefully she does. If not then I've got lunch for the rest of the week at work.

Speaking of work...

Nothing yet. Haven't heard anything about any of the jobs I've applied for and still waiting to hear how my interview with the company went. Not sure if I want the job if they offer it to me anyway, though I'd probably take it just so I wouldn't be unemployed. However the shift isn't really a desireable one, I don't want to work on the weekend, even if I do get offered the Sunday-Wednesday shift. I've done my weekend time and it sucks. I guess I'm spoiled right now with my shift, but there are plenty of other jobs out there that don't require weekend work. I really want to hear back from the geology people, I would get to spend my days caving. I know I don't have that much experience and I certainly don't have a degree in geology, but at least I do have 2 science degrees and caving is becoming a hobby of mine. So I'll see how that goes, just keep putting myself out there, hopefully something will come along.

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